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Shoulder Stability

Exercises for Shoulder Stability

These exercises are to create a solid functioning shoulder that’s stable and the muscles in the shoulder are stable to reduce the probability of injuries during pitching. 

Shoulder Stability Exercises

There are a lot of special combination exercises in the shoulder stability category, since the shoulder and the need for stability and strength are so important to many aspects of the game.

  • Bosu Shoulder Stability
  • Bosu Shoulder Stability Push Up
  • Bosu Ball Stability Spider Man Walk
  • Bent Over Rows Dual
  • Resistance Band Single Leg Pitch wFollow Thru
  • Resistance Band Core Push Pitch
  • Resistance Band Core Push Pitch wStride
  • TRX Bar wResistance Toe Touch Step Back
  • TRX Bar wResistance Squat and Press
  • Wrist Band wResistance Split Stride Lunge
  • Wrist Band wResistance Side stride wRear Scapular
  • Wrist Strap wResistance Single Leg Raise
  • Wrist Strap wResistance Single Leg Pitch Stride
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