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Peace of Mind

What is true peace of mind?

True peace of mind is keeping most if not all worries at a minimum. having gotten the physical aspect of it covered we now turn our attention to the mental and financial.

The physical, mental and the financial make up “the circle of balance”. If one is off, the circle is not complete and will eventually affect the others. Once the body becomes the fine tuned machine that we are striving for which is no injuries, proper kinetic chain function and incorporating training movements that allow you to perform to the best of your abilities and increase your availability on the field of play.

By removing all the mental stress that comes with worrying about injuries or getting injured, we can focus on the other parts of the mental.

To improve your score on this factor, here are some key steps you can take to make progress in this area:

  1. Focus on aspects of your life that you know that you can control and have the ability to personally effect.
  2. Do not allow negative thoughts or situations to linger, learn techniques that will help you to clear your mind.
  3. Write tasks down on paper. List them in order from most important to the least important. and check them off as you complete them.

Doing this will allow you to hold yourself accountable and help keep your mind and ease from not getting overrun by day to day tasks.

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